Grammar » B1 Grammar lessons and exercises » -ed/-ing adjectives – Adjectives from verbs
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  • -ed/-ing adjectives – Adjectives from verbs

    Exercise 1

    Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

    1 I love skydiving. It's an feeling.

    2 The robber was carrying a gun and wearing the mask of a clown. He was .

    3 She was very with him for not telling her the truth.

    4 The students are very about the exam results.

    5 My teacher is very . He speaks so slowly that we just want to sleep.

    6 This year, all the presents that I got for Christmas were very .

    7 He's a very man. He's travelled all around the world.

    8 I was so to see her. She wasn't supposed to be there.

    9 Teenagers get very when they have to speak in public.

    10 In the photo you can see the image of what seems to be a ghost.


  • -ed/-ing adjectives

    Color-coded chart demonstrating how to form -ed and -ing adjectives from verbs, with three columns showing the base verb, the adjective that describes the feeling it inspires, and the adjective describing how someone feels

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    A lot of adjectives are made from verbs by adding -ing or -ed. They are called participial adjectives they take the forms of the present (-ing) and past participle (-ed) of the verb.

    -ed adjectives

    -ed adjectives are used to describe how we feel. Look at the following examples:

    • We’re tired. Can we stop running?
    • I’m bored. Let’s play cards.
    • I was surprised to see her.

    -ing adjectives

    -ing adjectives are used to talk about the things that produce these feelings. Check the examples below:

    • Running is very tiring. We don’t want to run.
    • This film is very boring. Let’s play cards.
    • Her visit was very surprising. We weren’t expecting her.
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