How to write an invitation
In this lesson, you will learn how to write an invitation email. Writing an invitation is a friendly way to ask others to join you for a special event or party. You will learn how to say hello, share your plans, and ask if others would like to come. Also, you will find out how to tell them where and when the event will happen. Read the following invitation email example and check the useful language.
Greeting and closing in an informal email
These are expressions that you can use to start and end an informal email.
- Hi John, / Hey John,
- Best wishes / All the best / Best / See you soon
Talking about future plans
Use the present continuous tense to talk about plans that you already made with other people.
- I’m having a party for my birthday this year.
- Lily isn’t coming.
- Jane and Tom are coming.
Use be going to for your personal intentions and ideas for the future. These are things that you don’t need to plan with other people or put in a diary.
- We’re going to have a barbecue.
- I’m going to buy some
Use will for other sentences about the future which are not plans. We use will for offers and predictions.
- It will be great to see you again!
- I’ll bring snacks!
- I’ll pick you up from the station.
Would like
Use would like to ask questions and say what you want to do. You can shorten would like to I’d like. You can use love in replies, but don’t use it in questions.
- Would you like to come to my party?
- Sure! I’d like to come! / Yes, I would love to come! / I’d love to come to your party.
Look how there is always to + infinitive verb after would like / would love.
- Would you like to watch a film?
- I’d love to see you again.
Can / Could you…?
Use can you to give invitations. You can use can you or could you to make a request. Could you…? is more polite than Can you…?. After Can/Could you…? always use an infinitive verb.
- Can you come to the party?
- Can you bring some drinks?
- Could you pick me up from the station?
Prepositions of Time
Use the correct prepositions when talking about dates and times. Use on before days and dates.
- The party is on Saturday.
- My birthday is on 27th June.
Use at before times.
- The party is at 5pm.
Useful phrases
Here are some other useful phrases for writing invitations.
- Long time no see!
- I haven’t seen you for/in ages!
- Guess what!
- You are welcome to… (+ infinitive)
- I hope you can come.
- Let me know if you can come.