Use of English » B2 Use of English Tests » B2 English test 11 – text with multiple-choice gaps
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  • Use of English Test – B2

    Read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap.

    Generation Z at Work

    Generation Z consists of people born between 1995 to 2010. This group have either recently entered the job market or are 1 of doing so. It is the generation that grew up with internet technology, 2 these people are used to communicating, socialising and studying online. Many of them had the experience of studying remotely during the COVID-19 epidemic and 3 the comfort and flexibility of working from home preferable to their ‘normal’ lives. Consequently, a great many 4 work remotely than wasting time and money commuting. Generation X are also entering work at a time when there are 5 more jobs available than workers. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in huge numbers of people quitting their jobs or 6 redundant. As the economy begins to pick up again, new workers can afford to be selective. 7 , they aren’t afraid of leaving jobs that don't give them the flexibility, income or respect that they want.
    All this poses problems for Generation X, the members of the population born roughly between 1965 and 1980 8 careers are now ending and who 9 in the position of recruiting, maintaining and managing a younger workforce. No doubt, Generation X 10 the opportunity for flexible, remote work when they were young, but it wasn’t available. Instead, they spent the early years of their careers travelling to work in 11 , insecure jobs. Not until they had gained years of experience 12 expect things like flexibility and security. It’s unsurprising, therefore, that they resent 13 meet the demands of the young generation in order to maintain a steady workforce.
    Moreover, some jobs just can’t 14 remotely, and if companies have targets to meet in order to stay afloat, flexibility is not an option.
    Ultimately, a trade-off is needed whereby managers adapt their working practices to allow some flexibility and young workers also adjust their expectations so that the company can meet its goals, 15 many important businesses could fold.


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