There are many challenges on the internet 1 which that they who are related to food. For example, some people video themselves while they 2 are eating are eaten have eaten an onion or a lemon. 3 A lot Much Few of these challenges are harmless and fun. 4 So However Although , a few of them are dangerous. For example, in one challenge, people have to hold ice and salt in 5 their them theirs hands. They get together with friends and find out who can hold it for the 6 longer longest most long time. But this challenge is so dangerous that nobody 7 will should might do it. If you take some ice and add salt, the temperature of the ice 8 would fall is falling will fall to -17ºC. Ice at this temperature will burn you. The problem is, you 9 shouldn't might not mustn't notice that your hand is burning because the ice is so cold. You’ll 10 keep holding to keep holding keep to hold it, and the burn will get worse.
In another challenge, people try to eat a large spoonful of cinnamon powder without drinking 11 nothing everything anything . It sounds simple, but it isn’t. In fact, it’s both impossible and dangerous. Cinnamon powder 12 hasn't dissolved doesn't dissolve isn't dissolving in water or the saliva in your mouth. So, if you put a spoonful of 13 it its those in your mouth, your body will panic and you will start coughing. If that powder gets 14 through along into your lungs, you might damage them.
So, in the future, when someone 15 will dare is going to dare dares you to do a food challenge, don’t agree to it unless you know it is safe. Don’t risk your health just to make a funny video.