It is easy to hurt your back if you lift heavy objects 1 wrongly wrong wronger . 2 To learn Learn Learning the correct way to pick up heavy items will stop you from 3 get to get getting back ache or damaging your body. 4 Much A lot Lots of back injuries 5 cause will cause are caused by an incorrect lifting technique. So what 6 have you do you have you have to do if you don't wan't to get an injury?
Before you lift, ask yourself, ‘Is it possible to lift this object safely on my own?’. After all, there is a difference between how much weight you can lift and how much weight is safe to lift. It may be 7 safer more safe more safer to ask for help but if there isn't 8 anyone no-one someone around to help you, just be careful. If your goal is to raise the object from the floor to shoulder height, you 9 will would should rest it on a table during the lift, so have a chair ready because you 10 might must would need it. It's also important to remove anything from the floor 11 who which what might cause you to trip or fall. Once the area 12 would be will be is clear, you can begin lifting.
It’s important to keep your balance as you lift, 13 because so but keep your feet apart and wear flat shoes. Put one foot 14 between opposite in front of the other and keep your back as straight as possible 15 once as soon as while you are lifting the object. Move smoothly. Keep your head up and don't twist your back.