Marilyn Monroe 1 was born born is born in 1926 in Los Angeles. Her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson. When she was seven years old, her mother 2 must should had to move into hospital because she was suffering from mental illness. After that, Norma lived in several foster homes. After her sixteenth birthday, Norma married James Dougherty, but their marriage didn’t last long. 3 Because However Although Norma’s difficult childhood made her strong, it also made her very insecure.
During World War Two, Marilyn worked in a factory. There, she 4 has met was met met the photographer David Conover and he asked her 5 posing pose to pose in his photographs. Their photos were very successful. By 1945 she 6 had appeared was appeared appeared on 33 magazine covers! But Marilyn’s dream was to be an actress. 7 Because Although Because of her modelling success, she 8 gave had given was given some film roles, and by 1953, she was one of 9 the most most the more popular Hollywood stars.
10 So However Although , she was never lucky in love. In 1954, she married the baseball star Joe DiMaggio. They split up just nine months later. At the time, DiMaggio’s baseball career 11 was ended was ending has ended . He felt jealous of Marilyn, 12 who which she had become famous and 13 was admiring was admired admired by many people. He spent most of his time 14 to watch watching watch television, which Marilyn found boring.
In 1956, Marilyn married the writer Arthur Miller. At first, they were happy together, but later, while the two of them 15 were working had worked have worked together on a film, they fell out and separated. Marilyn died from a drug overdose when she was 36 years old.