Exams » B1 Preliminary (PET) » B1 PET – Exam 1 – Speaking
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  • Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) – Exam 1 – Speaking

    Part 1 (2-3 minutes)

    Phase 1
    To both candidates Good morning / afternoon / evening.
    Can I have your mark sheets, please?
    Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor.
    I’m…, and this is…
    To Candidate A What’s your name? Where do you live/come from? Thank you.
    To Candidate B And what’s your name? Where do you live/come from? Thank you.


    Back-up prompts
    B, do you work or are you a student? Do you have a job?
    Do you study?
    What do you do/study? What job do you do?
    What subject do you study?
    Thank you.
    And A, do you work or are you a student? Do you have a job?
    Do you study?
    What do you do/study? What job do you do?
    What subject do you study?
    Thank you.


    Phase 2
    Select one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate.
    Ask Candidate A first.
    Back-up prompts
    How do you get to work/school/university every day? Do you usually travel by car? (Why/Why not?)
    What did you do yesterday evening/last weekend? Did you do anything yesterday evening/last weekend? What?
    Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future? (Why/Why not?) Will you use English in the future? (Why?/Why not?)
    Tell us about the people you live with. Do you live with friends/your family?
    Thank you.
  • Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) – Speaking

    The B1 PET Speaking test has four parts. These parts have different tasks that show the speaking skills of the candidates. Here’s some general information about the B1 PET Speaking test:

    • It lasts for 10-12 minutes.
    • It has 4 parts.
    • Candidates take it in pairs.
    • Two examiners check how you do.
    • In the test, you talk to the other candidate and one of the examiners, called the Interlocutor.
    • The other examiner, the Assessor, only watches and does not talk.

    Now, let’s understand each part:

    PET Speaking: Part 1

    In the first part, you talk about yourself. You’ll answer questions about your name, where you come from, what you do, and more.

    This part takes 2-3 minutes and has two phases.

    In Phase 1:

    • The Interlocutor says hello and asks for the mark sheets.
    • They introduce themselves and the Assessor.
    • They start asking you questions.

    This part is always the same. So, you can think about your answers before the test. But don’t memorize everything. If you do, you won’t sound natural.

    In Phase 2, you get more questions about your hobbies, what you like, what you’ve done, and more. These questions can change, but you will always talk about yourself.

    PET Speaking: Part 2

    In the second part, which is also 2-3 minutes, you describe a picture for about a minute. Each candidate gets a different picture. You don’t need to talk to the other candidate here.

    The goal is to describe the picture without guessing too much. The pictures are of everyday things that B1 students should know.

    PET Speaking: Part 3

    In the third part, you and the other candidate have a conversation to decide something. First, the Interlocutor provides instructions for the task and shows you a series of pictures to get ideas. Then, you and the other candidate engage in a conversation for 2-3 minutes. The Interlocutor may interrupt to finish this part and start the next one. It’s essential for both candidates to talk together, engaging in a conversation rather than merely taking turns speaking.

    PET Speaking: Part 4

    In the last part, the Interlocutor asks questions related to Part 3. They might ask only one candidate or both. This makes the conversation feel natural.

    Example of a real PET Speaking exam

    You can see how the exam works in this video:


    Tips before the exam

    Practice speaking English regularly

    Speaking English alone, with classmates, friends, or family regularly will help you improve your confidence and fluency. Try to practise talking about the different topics on the list above. When there is a word that you cannot say in English, look it up in the dictionary and write it in a list.

    Work on your vocabulary

    Try to keep a list of words you learn while practising your speaking.  Also, learn new vocabulary about the topics on the list and try to use it when you are speaking.

    Read and listen regularly

    The most effective way to improve your range of vocabulary and grammar is to read and listen to English regularly. Those students who can do that over a long time learn much faster. You don’t need to spend hours reading or listening, just a few minutes, but do it every day or couple of days.

    Be prepared

    Review the exam format, questions, and language expressions in advance to feel more relaxed and confident on exam day.

    Tips during the exam

    Stay relaxed

    Take deep breaths, or use any technique that you find effective to be relaxed. When we are relaxed, we speak better. Try to speak as you would speak if you were with friends. Remember, the examiners are there to help you succeed.

    Don’t pay too much attention to your mistakes

    It’s important that you try to speak correctly, but it’s even more important that you can communicate fluently and effectively. Some students think too much about the correct way of saying things and then they hesitate a lot and there are long and repeated pauses in their speech. You should concentrate more on what you want to say than on how to say it correctly.

    Use complete sentences

    When the examiner or your partner asks you a question, answer using full sentences. For example, if they ask you whether you like fish, don’t just say ‘Yes.’ You could say, ‘Yes, I like it very much. I eat fish two or three times a week.’ Or if they ask you where you are from, don’t just say, ‘Livorno.’ You could say, ‘I’m from Livorno, a city in the north of Italy.’

    Listen carefully to the examiners

    Pay attention to the examiners’ instructions and questions. It’s important that you do exactly as they say.

    Useful Vocabulary for Part 2 of the exam

    Starting a description

    • In this picture there are some people…
    • In this picture I can see a man/woman/group of people…
    • This picture shows a couple/woman/man…

    Describing people’s postures

    • They’re sitting
    • They’re standing
    • They’re lying down

    Describing positions of objects and people


    • I believe…
    • My guess is…
    • Perhaps they are…
    • It appears to me that he/she/it is…
    • They seem to be…
    • He/she seems to be…
    • Maybe they are…


    Useful Vocabulary for Part 3 of the exam

    Initiating the conversation

    • Do you want to start? / Would you like to start?
    • Shall I start?
    • Okay, I’ll start.

    Giving your opinion

    • I think/believe/feel (that)…
    • In my opinion,…
    • I guess (that)…
    • I have no doubt that…
    • I strongly believe that…

    Asking for your partner’s opinion

    • What do you think (about…)?
    • What’s your opinion?
    • Do you think … is a good idea?
    • How do you feel about…?
    • What/How about (doing) sth.?

    Expressing agreement or disagreement

    • Of course (not)
    • I (completely) agree (with you)
    • I think so too
    • Exactly
    • That’s true
    • You may be right, but…
    • I don’t think so…
    • I don’t think that…
    • I don’t agree (with you)
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