Only if you are a proficient speaker of a language that you have learned 1 from scratch from nothing from zero from start in adulthood 2 you might you'd can you do you really tell how hard it is 3 that someone will get for someone getting for someone to get that someone gets to that level. Or maybe not so hard, 4 due to because of even though since most of the students who get there find real pleasure in reading and listening to the language, which 5 are is known that it is is known to be there is central in the process of learning it. But it’s definitely a long road to travel.
Lots of people start to learn a language excited about the prospect that one day, they will be able to communicate with it. However, only a few of those people 6 are bound are likely to will likely definitely will end up being proficient speakers of that language, because, 7 to be true telling the truth truth be told as for the truth , students tend to lose some of their enthusiasm when they 8 make a deep look drop a glance catch a glimpse have a sight of the vast world of knowledge that still needs 9 to have learned to have been learned to be learned to learn . That is the moment of realisation when language learners mistakenly stop focusing on what they are learning or already know, and start focusing on all the things they don’t know or can’t do.
Suppose you 10 'd climbed were climbing would climb 'd be climbing a high mountain, wouldn’t it be harder 11 do it to do so doing that to do such if you kept looking at the remote and elevated top, instead of enjoying your every small step along the way? I’m sure it 12 were did would had . Language learners can see the summit of that overwhelming mountain at around intermediate level and upwards; that’s the time 13 at when at which that whose many of those enthusiastic elementary students leave behind the comfort of their immediate surroundings and dare look up at the extenT of the apparently impossible deed. My advice, learn to appreciate the beauty of those small steps, if you don’t want to risk 14 giving away to give away to give up giving up hope in order to become another language 15 castoff dropout castaway miscarriage .