B1 Phrasal verbs (Part 3)
Do these exercises to learn common B1 phrasal verbs (intermediate level). This is the third grammar lesson in a series of 3. In these grammar lessons, you will find all the phrasal verbs you need to know for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET). You can find all these phrasal verbs in the B1 Preliminary vocabulary list.
Exercise 1 (Phrasal verbs 61-70)
Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete these sentences.
B1 Phrasal verbs 61-90
This is the third of our three B1 grammar lessons, where you will learn the most common intermediate phrasal verbs. All the verbs in these three lessons come from the vocabulary list used for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET). In each of these three lessons, you will find 30 phrasal verbs, making up a total of 90 (out of the 94 that you can see in the Cambridge Preliminary vocabulary list).
B1 Phrasal verbs 61-70
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- PUT OUT: If you put out a fire, cigarette, etc., you make it stop burning.
- PUT THROUGH: If you put through a call or the person calling, you connect them with the person they want to speak to.
- PUT UP: If you put up the price of something, you increase its price.
- RING BACK: If you ring someone back, you return a previous call they made to you.
- RING UP: If you ring up (someone), you phone them.
- RUN OUT: If you run out of something, you have no more of it left because you have used it all.
- SET OFF: When you set off, you start a journey.
- SET OUT: If you set out to do or achieve something, you start an activity with a particular aim.
- SET UP: If you set up a business, organisation, etc., you start it.
- SHOW UP: If someone shows up, they arrive somewhere to join other people.
B1 Phrasal verbs 71-80
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- SIT DOWN: The verbs sit down and sit mean the same.
- SPLIT UP: If two people split up, or if someone splits up with someone else, they end their relationship.
- STAY BEHIND: If you stay behind, you remain in a place after everyone else has left.
- TAKE OFF: If you take off a piece of clothing, you remove it.
- TAKE OFF: When an aeroplane takes off, it leaves the ground and starts flying
- TAKE UP: If you take up an activity or a subject, you start doing it as a job, habit or interest.
- THROW AWAY: If you throw away something, you get rid of it, for example, by putting it in a trash container.
- TIDY UP: When you tidy up a place, you put things back in their right places so that everything is neat.
- TRY ON: If you try on a piece of clothing, you put it on to see if it fits and you like it.
- TURN DOWN: If you turn down the level or volume of something, you decrease it.
B1 Phrasal verbs 81-90
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- TURN INTO: If someone or something turns into someone or something else, they change and become this other thing/person; or if you turn someone or something into someone or something else, you make them change.
- TURN OFF: When you turn off a piece of equipment, you make it stop working, usually by pressing a button.
- TURN ON: When you turn on a piece of equipment, you make it start working, usually by pressing a button.
- TURN UP: If you turn up the level or volume of something, you increase it.
- WAKE (UP): When you wake (up) or when someone or something wakes you (up), you become conscious after sleeping.
- WASH UP: When you wash up, you clean part of your body with soap and water, especially your hands and face. Also, if you wash up, you wash the things you have used for cooking and eating a meal, such as glasses, plates, pans, etc.
- WEAR OUT: If something wears out or if you wear something out, it is used so much that it can no longer be used.
- WORK OUT: When you work out, you do physical exercises to be fit and strong.
- WRAP UP: If you wrap something up, you cover it by putting something like paper or cloth around it.
- WRITE DOWN: When you write something down, you write it on a piece of paper using a pen or pencil.
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