Common phrasal verbs
In this Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Lesson about Common Phrasal Verbs, you will learn essential phrasal verbs that we often use in our daily lives. Check the following pictures and look at the definitions and sentence examples below.
1 When you put on clothes or make-up, you put it on your body and start wearing it.
- Before going outside, I put on my boots.
2 When you take off something that you are wearing, you remove it from your body and stop wearing it.
- I was hot, so I took off my jacket.
3 If you turn on a device or piece of equipment, you make it start working., usually by pressing a button. For example, when you walk into a room, you turn on the light.
- I turned on the radio so I could listen to the news.
4 If you turn off a device or piece of equipment, you make it stop working.
- Please turn off the heating when you leave the house.
5 If a car or machine breaks down, it suddenly stops working.
- My car broke down while I was driving to work.
6 If two people break up or you break up with someone, you finish your romantic relationship with them.
- Sally and Tom broke up last week.
7 If you bring back something, you return it to the place you or the thing were before.
- As soon as I’ve finished these books, I’ll bring them back to the library.
8 When you get up, you get out of bed, usually after waking in the morning, but you also get up when you go from sitting to standing.
- I usually get up early during the week.
9 If two people get along or if you get along with someone, you have a friendly relationship with them.
- My cousin and I get along well, and we enjoy spending time together.
10 If you give back something, you return something that you’ve borrowed from someone.
- If you lend me your dress, I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.
11 If you give up something or doing something, you stop doing it or having it completely. For example, doctors often tell patients to give up smoking.
- I’m trying to give up chocolate because it’s making me fat.
12 If you go on doing something, you continue doing something. Similarly, if a situation goes on, it continues to happen.
- We went on dancing until midnight.
- Experts think the war will go on for a long time.
13 When people hang out or when you hang out with someone, you spend time with them.
- Tim and I usually hang out at the park after school.
14 If you look after someone or something, you take care of them. For example, parents look after their children.
- I’m looking after my little sister tonight because my parents are going out.
15 If you look for someone or something, you can’t find it and search for it.
- I’m looking for my glasses. Have you seen them?
16 If you pick up something, you lift it from the floor or surface, usually with your hand.
- I picked up the pencil that I had dropped on the floor.
17 If you run out of something, you use it completely so that there is no more of it.
- I had to go to the shop because we had run out of bread.
18 If you take out something, you take it outside or out of the place where it was originally. For example, most people take out the rubbish so that it can be collected, and dog owners take out their dog when it needs a walk.
- Before going to bed, I took out the rubbish.
19 When you throw away something, you discard it, usually putting it in a rubbish container because you don’t need it anymore.
- After finishing the last biscuit, I threw away the packet.
20 If you work out, you train your body with exercise.
- I work out at the gym twice a week.